DOS Utilities

386to486.arj 24KSpeed up your 386DX
486slow.arj 1KTurn off internal 8K cache on I486 11KCyrix 6x86 processor optimizer v0.72 - Turns on some bits to speed up things
a4mouse.arj 6KPretty smart mouse driver
aboot200.arj 16KAuto Boot v2.00 306KExternal AMI Setup v2.7. Very comprehensive
a_type12.arj 12KDisplay ANSI / ANSI music / AVATAR files
bat2ex13.arj 34KBAT -> EXE/COM converter (w/sources)
boot_b.arj 3KPut boot sector on floppy which boots from B: drive
cboot40.arj 13KCBOOT DeLuxe v4.0
cm.arj 25KCMOSer v1.1 - Fullscreen CMOS changer
critter.arj 11KA Critical Error Handler v1.20 with the automatic response feature
cs090690.arj 12KCompact Soft Utilities Package 09-06-90
cth.arj 12KHelp! files description, compiler, examples
dbrx14.arj 13KdbRX v1.04 - Repair dBase III+, dBase IV, FoxBase+ and FoxPro databases
decompil.arj 10KNorton Guides decompiler
dev.arj 0KLoads DOS device driver
dfs1_0.arj 17KDuplicate File Searcher v1.0
dmaslo.arj 8KSlow down your computer using DMA
dog.lzh 12KProtect from run & take log
dos5comp.arj 14KNorton Guide about DOS 5.0 Software Compatiblity
dos5pats.arj 1KMS-DOS 5.0 patches
dos6boot.arj 3KMS-DOS 6.0 Double Space & CD-ROM drive boot disk instructions
dos6man.arj 62KMicrosoft MS-DOS 6.0 user's manual
dosswap.arj 14KMS-DOS 5.0 DOSSWAP upgrade
drdos6.arj 8KSome announcment about DRDOS 6
ee.arj 0KCalculate base of exponent e
fastape.arj 27KFasTape - a streaming tape utility
fastboot.arj 0KFast boot
fox2prg.arj 33KFoxplus decompiler
fr011.arj 5KFind&Replace - searches and replaces strings in file at command line. Accepts any chars at 0 to 255 :)
fxp2prg.arj 37KFoxpro decompiler
gclock.arj 2KGClock v2.0 - Resident Clock
grm.arj 1KGraphical mouse driver for text applications
help4dcr.arj 9KTech Help v4.0a discompiler
helpgen.arj 15KTECH! Help database compiler
kbdsilnc.arj 0KTurn off keyboard buffer overflow click
keyed2.arj 4KKeySimulators Generator
ks100.arj 2KChange keyboards repeat rate
mcc201.arj 13KMouse Controll Simulator & Mouse Controll Test v2.0
msdos502.arj 82KMS-DOS 5.02 update. Works faster with Windows 3.1 etc. 20KMicrosoft undocumented features (for DOS 3.3, DOS 5.0 & DOS 6.0)
m_taskp.arj 8KMulti-Tasker v0.1a 27KNorton Guide Sourcer v1.1 - Norton Guides Database decompiler
nodupes.arj 8KRemove duplicate lines from doc's
pcmag.arj 142KThe PC Magazine Utilities Volume I
pcvpls45.arj 218KPC-Vault Plus v4.5
phantom.arj 8KDOS keyboard macro recorder
prn2file.lzh 10KRedirects printer output to file
qdpmi101.arj 70KQDPMI Host v1.01 - DPMI server for QEMM
secdir.arj 0KMake/change to/remove hidden directories
speedisk.arj 8KNorton's Speed Disk parody
spoolg.arj 3KA printer spooler
thelp50.arj 193KDOS Help! 5.0
ti.lzh 0KTurns screen upside down ;-)
tm.arj 0KTime Mark
tph.arj 7KDecode Borland help files
tsrboot.arj 1KReboots your machine in time specified on command line
uth.arj 5KTech help discompiler
vene.arj 1KTransform russian letters to 'polish' text
whiz86.arj 15KSuper fast file finder
whyshare.arj 4KSHARE.COM - why's and how's
yztools.arj 4KYZ-Tools v1.2
zap.arj 7KSub-Directory remove, good !
zap33.arj 32KZap v3.3 - NC-like file manager
zcopy.arj 7KOptimize copy utility

- Norton Commander Clones and Utilities

dc.arj 36KThe DOS Controller - good PD clone of Norton Commander. Smaller, faster and with good editor 822KDOS Navigator II v1.42 38KScreen savers collection for DOS Navigator
drives.arj 0KCreates drive buttons in Norton Commander 0KFiles and subdirs remover for NC 3.0
mc.arj 4KSmall program like NC (only 6k in memory)
ncdir.arj 8KLike NCD but useful when you have lots of hard-disks/partitions
nc_color.arj 19KNorton Commander color changer
nc_exit.arj 1KUnloads Norton Commander and stuffs command into keyboad buffer
nc_pick.arj 13KNorton Commander selected files proccessor
ntbview.arj 9KNote Book viewer v1.01 for Norton Commander 93KVolcov Commander v4.0 (release) 67KVolcov Commander v4.99.01 alpha - File shell. Supports: Descriptions, archives, SVGA video modes, EMS, XMS and disk swapping, Win95 long file names, OS/2 extended attributes

- 4DOS

4d24h113.arj 7K4DOS Critical error handler replacement
4d30ref2.arj 8K4DOS Reference - from old 3.x days
4dos401r.arj 68K4DOS v4.01 (No docs) 519K4dos v5.52 - COMMAND.COM replacement for DOS, OS/2, and Win95, with command enhancements
4dosann.arj 6KJP Software - about 4DOS and DOS5
4dtip2.arj 8KCollection of batch files for 4DOS
4mica.arj 10KBatch shell for archiever programs 603K4dos 5.95 pre-release. COMMAND.COM replacement for DOS, OS/2, Win95. Enhances most DOS commands, over 50 new commands. Command editing, history, aliases, directory navigation, point-and-shoot file selection, much more.

- Editors & Viewers

ansiview.arj 6KA simple ANSI viewer
chiview.arj 17KChiWriter files viewer for NC 3.0
dbview.arj 3KSmall & fast .DBF viewer
dosed360.arj 4KVery good DOS editor
edit.arj 13KSmall and qute editor, much like NC's
hex1011.arj 21KHex v1.011 - Hex editor
hexed.arj 21KGood Hex Editor 176KHacker's view v5.16 - Text/HEX/DisAsm/ExeHeader viewer for DOS and OS/2 285KHacker's view v5.31 - Text/HEX/DisAsm/ExeHeader viewer for DOS and OS/2 318KHacker's view v5.60 - Text/HEX/DisAsm/ExeHeader viewer for DOS and OS/2 100KList v9.1m - A file viewing and browsing utility
ne15.arj 22KNorton Programmer's Editor v1.5
ne20.arj 66KNorton Editor v2.0 (NU5 style!)
ne20col.arj 0KColor setup in NE 2.0 (estonian)
ne_15.pat 1KPatch for Norton Editor 1.5 64KQuickView v2.31.01 - Txt/Hex/Asm viewer. Supports Alt/Win/KOI charset. Shows MS-DOS 'MZ' EXE header, Win 95/NT 'PE' header, i486/87 highlighted asm, code, dump
smooth.lzh 1KSmooth scrolling viewer
stl254.arj 42KStruct Look by SEN v2.54
stlme101.arj 29KStruct Look Memory by SEN v1.01
tbu.arj 14KGood option driven environment editor 86KVIEW v11.1 - View, convert and print Wordperfect, Word, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write, Notepad, HTML, ASCII, ANSI and UNIX files 87KVIEW v11.3a - the file viewer for DOS. Read, convert and print Wordperfect, Word, Word for Windows, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write, Notepad, HTML, ASCII, ANSI and UNIX files. Full text search functions. Several print functions. 89KVIEW v12.3 - the file viewer for DOS. Read, convert and print Wordperfect, Word, Word for Windows, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write, Notepad, HTML, XYWRITE, MS Publisher, ASCII and ANSI files. Full text search. Several print functions 93KVIEW v13.1a - the file viewer for DOS. Read, convert and print Wordperfect, Word, Word for Windows, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write, Notepad, HTML, XYWRITE, MS Publisher, UNIX, RTF, ASCII and ANSI files. Full text search. Several print functio

- Memory tools 4KQEMM 7.5 bugfix 36KChecks speeds and sizes of L1 and L2 cache memory
dos5high.arj 1KHow to load COMMAND.COM into UMB (DOS5 only)
dos5mem.arj 1KMaximum free memory example on dos5
dos5umb.arj 8KOptimizing UMB`s on your 386/486 machine
eemram26.arj 18KAdds memory to DOS using LIM 4.0 memory
ems286.arj 6KEMS emulator in extended memory
fresh.lzh 27KSpeed up your computer
himem360.arj 5KHimem v3.60
mcb.arj 12KMCB Memory Information v1.0
saver.arj 3KSave/Restore RAM (F11/F12)
sysmap.arj 33KSystem memory map
umbadd.arj 9KAdd UMB`s (by segment) on C&T chipset
umbdr522.arj 39KUMB provider for DOS 5.0 v5.22. Supports lot of chipsets
vgadisk.arj 7KVgaDisk v1.0 - 176K virtual disk in VGA/EGA memory
vmem.arj 3KEmulate EMS on Extended memory

- Emulators

387.arj 22KCoprocessor emulator v2.4 for 387 154KAmiga emulator
c64emul.arj 34KCommodore 64 emulator
db2.arj 36KdBase ][ for CP/M
em87.arj 11K387 math co-processor emulator. Good! Even Norton SI thinks that you really have co-processor
msx1emu.arj 70KMSX 1 emulator (with ASM sources) 66KMSX Emulator for MS-DOS v0.3beta 191KfMSX MS-DOS 1.3.1, MSX emulator for the MS-DOS platform by Mart Fayzullin, MS-DOS port by Marcel de Kogel (
msxroms.arj 121KMSX, MSX-2, MSX2+ roms required by fMSX 1.4 108KQ387 v3.5 - Math Accelerator and Emulator
spectrum.arj 326KZX Spectrum 48/128 emulator 'Z80' v2.01

- CD utilities 8KBCD 1.386 - The CD faker for most PC environments (DOS, WIN 3.11, WIN '95) No NT or OS/2 support yet ;) 59KCDGRAB v3.20 - Compact Disk Digital Downloading Software. Features: digital copying of audio CDs to disk in WAV,VOC and raw format, raw 'sector' copy of CD-ROM, CD-I, PhotoCD and XA disks, displays the contents of CD-ROM ISO headers 45KCDROM Cheating Tools v1.0: CDROM CHEATER v2.2, VIRTUAL CDROM v1.0, CD-UTILS v1.0 - These programs are helping you to emulate CD drives on HDD, so you will be able to run CD programs faster and better 167KCDDA v1.5 (build 133) - utility that allows to extract digital audio from CDs. It also allows to extract MPEG streams from CDi Digital Video CDs, and VideoCDs, and XA frames from CD-XA CDs. 99KCDDA Version 1.6 - DOS based utility that s extracts music from audio CDs, MPEG streams from CDi Digital Video CDs, XA frames from CD-XA CDs, and CD+G data from audio CDs. 7KFake-CD v1.0 - fakecd is a program that simulates a CD-ROM drive with a directory of a hard drive

- Networking 150KIPRoute v0.94 - routes IP packets between multiple ethernet, SLIP, and PPP interfaces. It can hide private networks behind a registered IP address through network address translation. Supports demand-dial and answer scripting. 108KKali 1.2f - a network driver which allows software designed for use with the IPX protocol to be used over a TCP/IP network. 164KStomper v3.21 - Modem-/ISDN- sharing for DOS and Windows. Supports IPX or Netbios.

- Something for testing your computer 5KTests HDs sequencial & repeated transfer rate
atperf.arj 16KAT Hardware Performance Test v2.0 40Kchecks L1 and L2 cache, tell you the speeds and sizes of each, and check to see if all of your memory is cached, CACHECTL allows you to turn the L1 cache on or off, and tell you if it's enabled or disabled. 122KChris' 3d (S)VGA Benchmark. An accurate benchmark of your computers CPU, FPU, memory, and video speed. Runs in 32-bit protected mode, and does 3d shaded objects. Requires 386, FPU and 2 Mb of RAM.
ci.lzh 1KComputer Info v2.2 174KPC-CONFIG v8.02 - Detects hardware in your system. Finds Local-Bus and PCI boards, Cyrix, NexGen, UMC and Pentium CPUs, detects lots of VGA chips, APM functions, EPP BIOS, Green boards, PCMCIA, EIDE, PCI and SCSI info
core292.arj 30KCORE disk performance test v2.92
cpuinfo.arj 1KInfo about CPU 158KHwinfo v3.05 - Recognizes 98 CPUs, 32 FPUs, 230 mainboards, 230 video chipsets, 73 video RAMDACs, many soundcards, CD-ROMs, PCMCIA, ASPI SCSI devices, IDE/E-IDE/SyQuest drives + all benchmarks
snoopy.arj 47KMicrosoft Infer v1.000.0024 beta 124KSYSCHK v2.43 - System information utility that CPU, irqs, BIOS Bus Type, Mouse Info, Port Info, IDE and SCSI disks, CD-ROM, TSR info, Network, Video, CMOS Memory info, speed, Windows, and lots more.
speed600.arj 48KLandmark Speed Test v6.00
test.arj 39KSystem performance analysis
timings.arj 4K386+ and VGA timings test
vidspd30.arj 17KVidSpeed v3.0 - Video memory performance test 24KVVSeek - shows HDD seek time and data transfer rate

- Disk Utilities

2m30.arj 215KReads & formats your 1.44 MB diskettes up to 1.94MB 250K2m v3.0 - formats 3.5 DD (720k): 984k / 1066k / 1176k 3.5 HD (1.44m): 1804k / 1886k / 1972k 3.5 ED (2.88m): 3608k / 3772k / 3944k 5.25 DD (360k): 820k / 902k / 976k 5.25 HD (1.2m): 1476k / 1558k / 1639k in 100% drives of 100% compatibl
cmv037.arj 26KAT CopyMaster v0.37
copy2utl.arj 10KCopy II-PC utilities
copyii80.arj 23KCopy II PC v8.01 - disk duplicator
dce.arj 3KDisk Capacity Enchancer v1.0 103KDiskDupe Pro v7.0 - Disk utility for disk duplicating and formatting
dskenh10.arj 17KDisk Enhancer v1.0 - Speeds up floppy drives by modifying values in the Disk Base table
dus.arj 35KDisk Utility System, CGT Associated 1989.
fanram.arj 1KHD & FD protection utility
fdform16.arj 69KFDFORMAT v1.60 - Format disks with higher capacity with Pascal sources 98KFIPS v1.1 - program for non-destructive splitting of harddisk partitions
hardfake.arj 3KUse non-standard hard disks
hdformat.arj 11KA low level hard disk format 175KHPFS-Access v1.02 - a TSR for mounting HPFS drives from DOS Read and write; Needs only 8kb DOS memory; Built-in cache
hyperdsk.arj 23KNorton Guide about HyperDisk 4.21
ide-id.arj 9KIDE hard disk identifier
ideinfo.arj 3KDisplays information about IDE drives 14KiHPFS v1.22 - An HPFS device driver for DOS. 54KiHPFS v1.24 - An HPFS Driver for DOS with source code (June 1997)
mig.arj 0KFlash floppy disk led 162KDOS & Windows drivers & util for Quantum EIDE drives 313KHyperWare SpeedKit v4.70. Contains HyperDisk, HyperKey, HyperRAM, HyperScreen and IDE Booster utilities
smartdrv.arj 13KSmartDrive ver 5.0 293KHyperware Speedkit v4.70/R
squish21.arj 63KSquish Plus v2.01
tele215r.arj 151KTeledisk v2.15
uniform.lzh 50KUniForm-PC v2.17
wphd.arj 1KWrite protect your hard disk 34KNTFS File System Redirector for DOS/Windows v1.21 (read-only) - a file system redirector that is able to mount NTFS drives for transparent access. Provides the ability to navigate,view and execute programs on them from DOS and Win95 104KFIPS v1.2 - Non-destructive partition split utility

Total 11003 KBytes in 194 files
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