- Language products
8668-101.arj | 33K | 80386 to 68000 Sourcecode-Converter V1.01
| aedt182.zip | 709K | ASM Edit v1.82 - IDE with syntax-colors for ASM files, used with external assembler. Help system with mnemonics up to Pentium Pro, FPU and MMX instructions, VGA programming, interrupt list, DOS tables and formats, etc.
| c2pas08b.arj | 10K | C to Pascal converter
| canalyze.arj | 23K | C code analyser/manager (auto version...)
| ccc.arj | 11K | C code prettyprinter
| ccdl122.zip | 507K | 32-bit C compiler for 386+ and m68k processors. Produces assembly code. Preprocessor built-in. ANSI-style library included. Full source for compiler and library.
| cdecl.zip | 11K | Cdecl is a program for encoding and decoding C type-declarations
| ch_v001a.arj | 19K | Preprocess C source files to include missing header files
| clt167.zip | 178K | C-lint v1.67 - C source analysing tool
| cxt235.zip | 353K | CXT v2.35 - C Exploration Tools - C source code analysis. Builds calltree, cross-reference and provides a lot of useful informations. HTML (WWW) and RTF (WinHelp) output possible. DOS and WINDOWS versions available.
| c_qedit.arj | 2K | Qedit macros for C programming
| exetocom.arj | 4K | EXE to COM convertor
| gema26a.zip | 134K | [G]enpc [E]LiTe [M]AcRo [A]ssembler v2.6a - A 8086 to P6 Assembler, based upon genst and Motorola 680x0
| masm_cn3.zip | 8K | MASM Converter v1.3 - Converts V6.X .ASM Source to V5.X Format for those who have an Older Assembler
| scan200a.arj | 26K | SCANHELP - automatically generates help files from TP source
| shroud.arj | 17K | C shrouder
| tptc17.arj | 47K | Turbo Pascal -> Turbo C converter v1.17
- Debugging Aids
asmtool.arj | 45K | ASMtool v1.48 by V Communications, Inc.
| bi.arj | 15K | Catch and monitor DOS calls
| deb_man.arj | 12K | DOS's DEBUG user manual
| dg_03b.zip | 24K | DeGlucker v0.03b - Nice and small debugger for DOS. Features: true 80386 Prot.mode debugger, debug DOS programs
| ftrace.arj | 2K | File open/create function tracer
| ida35bd.zip | 325K | MS DOS 16bit executables of Interactive Disassembler. Common files are required. Version 3.05a
| ida35bc.zip | 257K | The Interactive DisAssembler v3.05a - full WYSIWYG interactively disassemble for i80x86, i8085, z80, i860, Pentium, i8051, 6502. Input: MS Windows, OS/2 files! EXE,NE,LE,LX,PE,HEX,NLM etc...
| ida35bo.zip | 403K | OS/2 executables of Interactive Disassembler. Common files are required. Version 3.05a
| ida35bx.zip | 427K | MS DOS 32bit (dos4gw v1.97) executables of Interactive Disassembler. Common files are required. Version 3.05a
| objedi.arj | 16K | Objedit v1.0 - Object file symbol editor
| objtoasm.arj | 17K | OBJ -> ASM converter
| s-icedox.arj | 88K | Soft-Ice docs
| ssd50.zip | 150K | Servile Software Decoder (SSD) v5.0 - a code analyser and tracer for 8080/8086 (and some 386) software. Capable of reverse engineering packed and encrypted programs
| wda.arj | 23K | .OBJ files disassembler.
| xray.lzh | 8K | PC-Background monitor
- Borland stuff
bc30p1.arj | 5K | Borland C++ 3.0 Patches
| bc30p2.arj | 8K | Bprland C++ 3.0 Patches
| bc30p3.arj | 11K | Borland C++ 3.0 Patches
| bc31p1.arj | 9K | Borland C++ 3.1 Patches
| bc31p2.arj | 47K | Borland C++ 3.1 Tlink patch
| bc31p3.arj | 8K | Borland C++ 3.1 patch - Fix problems with browsing large files
| blx11.arj | 11K | Source from Borland Language Express Volume 1 Number 1
| bp7bugs1.arj | 6K | Borland Pascal 7.0 bug list
| dpmiload.zip | 3K | Fixes Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE to work properly under DESQVIEW
| et3bgi11.arj | 5K | BGI driver v1.01 for Tseng ET3000 SVGA cards
| fix_sign.arj | 5K | Borland Font Editor font file signature fix-up utility v1.0
| svgabg15.arj | 4K | SuperVGA BGI driver v1.5
| tcw3p1.arj | 7K | Turbo C++ for Windows Patches
| td386.arj | 15K | Borland Turbo Debugger update for MS-DOS 5.0
| tdwin31.arj | 6K | Replacement for WINDEBUG.DLL (TDW & Windows 3.1)
| tf386.arj | 13K | Borland Turbo Profiler update for MS-DOS 5.0
| ti1393.arj | 3K | Trouble shooting Borland products with DOS 6.0
| unitre11.arj | 8K | Displays unit depence tree from TP compilation
| | | | | | | | | |