3d.arj | 447K | Mainstream PC 3D graphics technology - A 3D white paper from S3 Inc.
3dfaq.arj | 11K | 3-D graphics FAQ
3d_math.zip | 11K | Math for 3D Rotations by Lithium /VLA
8259_pic.arj | 2K | PC PIC programming considerations
aas.arj | 8K | Adventure Authoring Systems FAQ
accesfmt.arj | 6K | Windows Accessories binary file formats (Write & Calendar)
algorith.arj | 17K | Computer graphics algorithms FAQ v1.16
animatio.arj | 12K | Computer Animation FAQ v1.2
ansidet.arj | 1K | Detecting ANSI.SYS
ansi_c.arj | 126K | ANSI C standard draft
antianti.arj | 3K | Anti 'Anti-Debugging-Tricks'
antidbg.arj | 5K | Anti-Debugging-Tricks
asmi86.arj | 4K | Instruction set for 80x86
asm9704t.zip | 52K | This is the FAQ for the x86 Assembly Language programmers for the alt.lang.asm and comp.lang.asm.x86 newsgroups
asmtuttx.arj | 16K | A introduction to x86 assembly v0.9b
basicdoc.zip | 7K | A MODE-13h documentary - The basics of the standard vgamode explained in detail
bastxmap.lzh | 2K | Text file describing texture mapping in Basic
baudot.arj | 0K | BAUDOT code layout
bcc30bug.arj | 3K | Borland's C++ v 3.0 bug list
bgifont.arj | 1K | Structure of CHR fonts
bindery.arj | 1K | Novell's bindery processing
bor_cpp3.arj | 4K | About Borland C++ 3.0
btrees.arj | 4K | B-Trees explained
ca-tsa.arj | 54K | Computer Adventures, The Secret Art by Gil Williamson (book)
calalgs.arj | 2K | Calendar calculation algorithms
cas10b.arj | 23K | DCA/Intel Communicating Applications Specification v1.00
cdromfaq.arj | 4K | CD-ROM programming FAQ v1.00
classlib.arj | 13K | Turbo C++ Class Library definition
cmdline.arj | 2K | Command Line Parms
cmos.arj | 1K | CMOS addresses
comp_faq.arj | 49K | comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ v2.03
concdosd.arj | 0K | Concurrent DOS detection
conctpts.arj | 3K | Connect points
copro16a.zip | 73K | Everything you always wanted to know about math coprocessors
cpptour.arj | 52K | C++ tutor
cpp_doc.arj | 38K | C++ Programming Language: Reference Manual
crypto.arj | 2K | Cryptographic bibliography
ctpbdip.zip | 603K | Developer Information Pack for Phone Blaster Series v1.00 - Contains hardware programming reference, programmer's guide, library reference, Windows low level audio API, Windows MCI commands and sample code
cur_key.arj | 0K | Accessing the cursor keys
dataenc.arj | 5K | Some notes on data encryption
dbasefil.arj | 1K | dBase file structures
dbf_stru.arj | 2K | dBase file structures
design.arj | 10K | Games design FAQ
difftime.arj | 0K | Calculate time difference between 2 date/times
dma_rti.arj | 5K | How to program the DMA
dos5ints.arj | 0K | MS-DOS 5.0 Interrupts
dosref33.zip | 282K | Programmer's Technical Reference for MSDOS and the IBM PC v3.3
dpmi.arj | 34K | Dos Protected Mode Interface spec. v0.9
dvcalng.arj | 29K | Norton Guide about DESQview calls and data structures
dvm_form.arj | 1K | DVM movie file format (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1) specification
faqprg3.zip | 137K | Windows Programmer FAQ (WinHelp file)
fat.arj | 3K | Descriptions of the FAT
faxform.arj | 3K | Format of CCITT FAX files
fecfg130.arj | 7K | FastEcho 1.30 Gamma structs (C/Pascal)
fifobits.arj | 4K | 16550 complete description and programming reference
fossil.arj | 15K | FOSSIL Reference Guide 0.01a (NG)
fuzzy.arj | 1K | Fuzzy search algorithm
game_faq.zip | 35K | The getting started guide to game development FAQ
gccfaq10.arj | 11K | FAQ of how to access PC hardware for games under DJGPP (GNU C Compiler), including samples
gmouse.lzh | 7K | Norton Guide for Genius Mouse Driver
graffaq2.arj | 9K | Graphics Frequently asked questions (2)
graf_faq.arj | 8K | Graphics Frequently asked questions
gravity.arj | 5K | Gravity FAQ - The information contained in document will allow you to realistically simulate jumping and interstellar maneuvers
grpnames.arj | 1K | C group names explained (DATA,BSS...)
help40.arj | 228K | Tech Help v4.0
helppc21.zip | 277K | HelpPC v2.10 - BIOS,DOS,EMS & Mouse functions, BIOS & DOS data structs, diagnosticdes, 80x86 assembler instructions, hardware specs
intelc.arj | 0K | Intel-Hex file format
inter57a.zip | 353K | Interrupt List Release 57 - comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, I/O ports, memory locations, far-call interfaces, and more for IBM PCs and compatible machines, both documented and undocumented. [1/4]
inter57b.zip | 351K | Interrupt List Release 57 [2/4]
inter57c.zip | 353K | Interrupt List Release 57 [3/4]
inter57d.zip | 627K | Interrupt List Release 57 [4/4]
inter57e.zip | 332K | Interrupt List Release 57 utility programs
inter57f.zip | 262K | Interrupt List Release 57 WinHelp programs
inter57g.zip | 310K | Interrupt List Release 57 conversion programs
intshare.arj | 7K | Interrupt vector sharing (like PS/2)
io_int13.arj | 0K | How to hook into IO.SYS INT 0x13 backend
ipx.arj | 16K | Programmers reference to Novell's IPX
ipx2.arj | 6K | How to send IPX packets over a network
isr.arj | 1K | Releasing memory of an ISR that hooks vectors
julian.arj | 2K | Julian Day number to calendar conversions
lens.arj | 10K | How to implement the lens effect
lens.lzh | 10K | Text and GIF file on how to make a lens effect
lib-info.zip | 4K | Microsoft Library (.LIB) Format
limems41.arj | 66K | Lotus-Intel-Microsoft expanded memory (EMS) specifications v4.0 with programming examples
loadall.arj | 3K | Description of Loadall instruction
loadall.zip | 3K | Text on the LOADALL instruction
lockkey.arj | 1K | How to lockout keyboard
lxexe.arj | 17K | Linear executable module format description
marsinfo.zip | 2K | Info on voxel technique used to create the Mars landscape demo
mcgatut.arj | 9K | MCGA tutorial (with examples, to be cont.)
memograf.arj | 0K | Add ANSI and GIF graphics to memo fields
memory.arj | 7K | Norton Guide about ROM BIOS data area
mickey.arj | 3K | MicroSoft plans for future OS platforms
modex.arj | 10K | X-Mode FAQ
mouse.arj | 4K | Norton Guide about Mouse services
mousetut.arj | 4K | The Microsoft Mouse Driver Tutorial
mscdex21.arj | 40K | Microsoft CD-ROM MS-DOS Extensions 2.1 programming guide
ncmain.arj | 1K | Norton Commander -> viewer parameters
ng_ints.arj | 35K | Norton Guide to PC/AT interrupts
objlib.zip | 15K | Linker Overview
oop_faq.arj | 2K | FAQ about OOP
optimize.zip | 16K | How to optimize code on a 386/486/Pentium
os2-qa.arj | 13K | IBM's questions and answers on OS/2 2.0
otmphong.zip | 7K | A new approximation technique for the Phong shading model based on linear interpolation of angles
packet-d.arj | 12K | PC/TCP Version 1.09 Packet Driver Specification
pcgpe10.zip | 702K | The PC Games Programmers Encyclopedia v1.0a
pcstruct.arj | 11K | PCBoard v14.5 structures
pctech.arj | 10K | An article from PC Tech journal describing 256 color animation
pcxhdr.arj | 1K | PCX file header (yeah, once more...)
pentopt.arj | 54K | How to optimize for the Pentium processors by Agner Fog
pif220.arj | 1K | DESQview 2.2x PIF file format
pii.arj | 6K | 10 000 places of Pii
pkbor.arj | 2K | Struct of Borland help files (TCH,TPH,TAH)
pmtut002.zip | 29K | Protected Mode Tutorial v0.02
protmode.arj | 0K | Programming under Rational Systems DOS ext.
rastruct.arj | 11K | Remote Access data file structures
reboot.arj | 0K | FAQ: How to reboot
riffmci.arj | 54K | Multimedia Programming Interface and Data Specifications 1.0
rndseq.arj | 0K | Random sequence generator
rotate.arj | 0K | Rotate array data
sapphire.zip | 7K | The Sapphire Stream Cipher encryption/decryption
scan_doc.arj | 18K | HP ScanJet Programmer's Guide
shellsrt.arj | 1K | Shell sort explained
smbpub.zip | 101K | Microsoft Networks SMB file sharing protocol - describes the Lan Manager Server Message Block (SMB) file sharing protocol. Client systems use this protocol to request file, print, and communications service from server systems over a ne
soft_eng.arj | 37K | comp.software-eng FAQ
ss0288.arj | 53K | Relocatable object module format
superker.arj | 0K | Super-kermit explained
svga_pgm.arj | 13K | Super VGA programming tips
t1_nbuf.zip | 8K | Type One's N-Buffering explanations + pseudo-code
t1_svga1.zip | 9K | Type One's (S)VGA Tricks, Part I - UniVBE, HiColor, 50/60Hz, ultipage, DRAMs speed up, 320x256, 120Hz. Explanations + ASM
tcxl.arj | 8K | TCXL gripes
textmap.lzh | 10K | Document about texture mapping and rotated prallellograms in 3D space
texttext.zip | 145K | A self-explanatory description of 3 approaches to real-time texture mapping such as that done in DOOM
tgrec25i.arj | 19K | Telegard 2.5i Msg structure
trees.arj | 8K | More on trees, binary or otherwise
ttf_hlp.arj | 568K | TrueType font specifications (Windows Help file)
uuxxcode.arj | 1K | FAQ: Uuencoding and Uudecoding
vbe20.arj | 19K | VESA BIOS Extention/Core Functions v2.0 - draft by SciTech
vcpi.arj | 16K | Hypertext file about Virtual Control Program Interface (VCPI)
vcpispec.arj | 17K | Virtual Control Program Interface spec.
vesa.arj | 8K | BIOS extension standard for Super VGA modes
vesasp12.zip | 15K | VESA BIOS Extension v1.2 specs
vgadoc4b.zip | 564K | Collection of programming information on (Super)VGA chipsets
vgophong.zip | 6K | Phong lighting and specular highlights. Theory, practice and explaination of the phong lighting and shading model
vgovbe20.zip | 23K | A tutorial on setting and using VESA2.0 modes correctly. Included ASM source, OBJ file, C example & header
videoprg.arj | 268K | Programmer's Guide to PC and PS/2 Video Systems
vintro.arj | 31K | Introduction to V20/V30
watcomgp.arj | 6K | The Watcom C/C++ Game Programmer's FAQ
xms.arj | 10K | XMS Memory specifications v2.0
xms_ng.arj | 22K | Norton Guide for XMS
zed3d080.zip | 457K | Sbastien Loisel's tutorial for 2d and 3d vector and texture mapped graphics v0.80
strateg3.zip | 7K | Discssion of strategy games AI posted in rec.games.programmer