Hacking.Phreaking stuff

anti-aon.arj 3KAnit-aon circuit (CYR)
aon.arj 6KDocumentation for AON (Cyr)
aon580.arj 5KDocumentation for AON-580 (Cyr)
bible1.lzh 4KThe bible of fraud
bible2.lzh 5KThe bible of fraud part II
blue-oz.arj 1KNew blue-boxing method for Australians
blue3.arj 14KBlue-boxing - complete reference
blueboa.arj 4KSchematics and building instructions
bluebox.arj 1KMore schematics and Bluebox prog. for MSX
bluebox1.arj 5KAnother blue box text
boxfrqs.lzh 1KBlue boxing frequinces
bt_bust.arj 2KAnother blue-boxer busted...
bt_warn.arj 2KWarning to all blue-boxers from BT
busted3.arj 1KAnother Busted...
card.arj 11KCarding hints from The Big Guy
card1.arj 6KCarding - by Bloody Malice
card2.arj 2KCarding - by Enforcer
card3.arj 2KCredit Card fraud made easy
carding.arj 22KHow to use cards
cards.arj 2KCarding - Slamhound's Guide
cards1.arj 12KAnother carding text
cards2.arj 3KAnd more on carding
case191.arj 7KPhone phreaks and fiddlers
freecall.arj 1KHow to call free with xSU LD telephone stations
funbox.arj 1KEasy-free calling using the new method: greyboxing
goldbox.arj 1KGold Box Plans
greenbox.arj 0KAbout The Green Box
hack2600.zip 62KTha 2600.ALT/#hack FAQ - This Phile Deals With realy all aspects of HaCKiNG/PHreAkING etc
hackat&t.arj 1KHow to get AT&T calling cards
opm25.zip 81KThe Official Phreaker's Manual v2.5
pbx-gone.arj 2KAT&T introduces products for fight phone
phrack50.zip 188KPhrack 50
pkmanual.arj 192KThe Official Phreaker's Manual v1.1
yabb.arj 15KBlueboxing program

Total 681 KBytes in 34 files
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