Graphics Software

- Graphic Editors 106KArtWorx v0.65 (Beta) Full-featured ANSI editor that BLOWS AWAY thedraw, acid DRAW, guiledraw, or any others currently out.
gifclp15.arj 33KGifclip v1.5 - A Cropping/Clipping Program for GIFs
pictor.lzh 139KPictor 289KTheDraw v4.63 - ANSI editor

- Picture Viewers/Converters 646KImage Alchemy 1.7.7
bitmap.arj 35KGIF, BMP, PCX, ICO, DIB, TIF viewer 27KConverts Autodesk Animator .CEL to .SPR. With C sources
convert.arj 24KConverts GIF to EXE
drc_pcx3.arj 29KShow PCX v1.3 - PCX viewer
fastgif.arj 18KFastGif v2.0
gflt140r.arj 44KGifLite v1.40 234KgFView - v1.10 Graphics file viewer for use with Vernon D. Buergs LIST. Supports JPEG, PCX, BMP & GIF.
gifdesk.arj 39KGifdesk v4.0
gifexe.arj 27KGif2exe v1.0 - converts GIF to .EXE
gifexe44.arj 39KGIFEXE v4.4 - Convert GIF's to self-displaying EXE files. Full VGA/SVGA support 65KGifLite v2.10 - GIF file compressor which compresses GIF files by an average of 30%
gl2exe.arj 12KConverter/(de)coder .GL <-> .EXE
htmlco16.arj 18KHTMLCon v1.6 - HTM(L) to ASCii document converter 24KHTMLCon v1.8 - An HTM(L) to ASCII Document Converter 287KHiview 1.2 - A JPEG/GIF/TGA File Viewer 8KICO2ANS v1.0 - converts Windows 3.1 icons to ANSI graphic files
jpeg3.arj 91KGIF2JPG v3.0 - another GIF packer 30KPcx2Rip v1.1 - PCX to RIP converter
post-gif.arj 24KGif to PostScript converter 504KQPV/386 v1.7c - grafx viewer. Supports JPG TGA GIF PCX BMP IFF/ILBM PBM/PNM PCD (PhotoCD), etc.
quickfli.arj 7K.FLI viewer
scr2gif.arj 25KCapture graphics screens into GIF files 591KSea Graphics Viewer v1.1 - Views PNG, JPEG, TARGA, BMP&RLE, TIFF, PCX,GIF,PNM,LBM, BBM & PCC pictures. Plays FLI and FLC animations 613KSEA v1.2c - VESA compatible mouse controlled viewer/converter. Views PNG, GIF, JPEG, TARGA, BMP & RLE, TIFF, PCX, LBM (IFF) PNM (PPM, PGM, PBM) WPG, ICO and Dp2e-LBM, BBM & PCC pictures. Plays FLI and FLC animations
tiffview.arj 18KTiffview v1.0
txt2pcx.arj 9KConvert text files into PCX
vfd17.arj 81KVideo for DOS v1.7 - motion video cross-compiler that creates and converts FLI, FLC, AVI formats. Reads/writes BMP,RLE,DIB,TGA,PCX
vfd_16d.arj 80KVideo For DOS v1.6d - BMP/RLE/DIB/TGA/PCX/GIF to FLI/FLC/AVI converter
vff2bmp.arj 10KConverts SUN/IVP .VFF files to 24 bit MS-Windows BMP format
vgif40.arj 43KGIF viewer v4.0
vpic6_1.arj 93KVPIC v6.1 - A Picture File Viewing/Conversion Program (GIF/MAC/PCX/ColorRix)

- Printing

8p.lzh 8KHP LaserJet II Text File Printing v1.1
alterfnt.arj 49KLaser printer font utilities
fontload.arj 4KLoad PS2KEYB ('alternative') font to EPSON
ljbook35.arj 10KLJBOOK program for printing 4 pages on 1 A4 sheet using LaserJet
prntscr.lzh 28KPrint screen utilities

- Other Stuff

305icons.arj 74K305 icons for Windows
783ico.arj 203K783 icons for Windows
8514.arj 34K8514/A emulator v1.0 for Tseng ET4000-based boards
ad_video.arj 27KAnDan video drivers (makes video faster)
babyfont.arj 2KFunny font (like childs script)
chkboard.arj 2KSuper VGA card identifier
cyrillic.lzh 32KScreen/keyboard/printer cyrillic driver
dimmer.arj 2KScreen saver
ega480.arj 4KScreen/keyboard cyrillic driver (nice font)
fonts.arj 13K6 fonts for DOS 655KFRACTINT v19.6 - DOS-based fractal generator. Generate Mandelbrot, Julia, IFS, and many more fractals in 2d and 3d, including those you design yourself. ersion Supports arbitrary precision which allows zooming to a depth of 10^1600
highfont.arj 1KLoads beautiful font to VGA in text modes
jpeg_faq.arj 22KFreqently Asked Questions (FAQ) about JPEG
lissajou.arj 10KDraw Complex Lissajou's figures 86KMCLK 0.91b - video-card over-clocking program. Allows the user to tune performance on system's video card. Supports Cirrus Logic GD-542x/30/36/4x, S3 80x/86x/96x/Trio, Trident 9440/96xx. Includes source code.
qcrt21.arj 9KQCRT v2.1 - Speed up video in test modes
screen_t.arj 64KSCREEN Thief - Captures screen to .GIF, .PCX, .TIF or .BMP format
setfre.arj 0KSets monitor vertical retrace to 70 Hz Note :works only at 640*480*16 (Hex mode 12)
univbe51.arj 363KUNIVBE v5.1 - Universal VESA BIOS 2.0 extenstions
vansi.sys 2KBetter NANSI driver
vgachall.arj 8KVGA challenge (compatibility test)
vgamode.arj 7KOAK VGA card mode selector
vid_nclk.arj 1KTests video RAM speed in VGA 320*200 mode
vpt.arj 12KVGA Palette Tool v2.01
zansi.arj 11KFast ANSI driver with sources

Total 6140 KBytes in 66 files
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