- Archivers
acb_129b.zip | 42K | Acb v1.28b - designed for preliminary information compression for communication purposes, minimum 486SX-33Mhz 16Mb, Pentium 133Mhz 16Mb RAM recommended
| ain.arj | 37K | AIN v2.2 Cyrillic version
| ain22eng.arj | 35K | AIN v2.2 English version
| ari114.com | 26K | ARI v1.14 - High perfomance archiver, self-extract release
| arj241a.exe | 218K | Arj v2.41a
| arj250.exe | 269K | Arj v2.50
| arj255x.exe | 196K | Arj v2.55x Alpha (W95 long filenames support)
| arj255c.exe | 343K | Arj v2.55C
| arj260.exe | 346K | Arj v2.60
| comp430d.zip | 19K | Compress v4.3d
| fix_241.arj | 0K | Arj v2.41 bug fix
| gzip124.zip | 114K | GNU Zip v1.2.4
| hyper25.arj | 22K | Hyper v2.5
| infozip.exe | 398K | Zip v2.2 for Win32
| jar101c.exe | 500K | JAR v1.01
| lha213.exe | 43K | Lha v2.13
| lha255b.exe | 26K | Lha v2.55á (exe only)
| limit10.arj | 28K | LIMIT v1.0 - Packs faster than PKZIP and better than ARJ
| pak250.arj | 85K | Pak v2.50
| pkz204g.exe | 197K | PkZip v2.04g
| pkzip206.arj | 85K | Pkzip v2.06
| pk250w16.exe | 576K | PKZip v2.50 for Windows 16-bit
| pk250w32.exe | 660K | PKZip v2.50 for Windows 32-bit
| pk260w32.exe | 737K | PKZip v2.60 for Windows 32-bit
| ppunp.arj | 2K | PPUNP v1.02 - PowerPacked file unpacker
| rkive11.zip | 48K | RKIVE v1.1 - a high performance solids archiver. It uses latest compression techniques to gain better compression levels than many of the current popular archivers while still maintaining a reasonable decompression time
| rkive14.zip | 73K | RKIVE file archiver v1.14. Good compression, Win95 long names.
| rar155.exe | 263K | RAR v1.55
| rar20b.exe | 99K | RAR v2.0 beta
| rar200.exe | 260K | RAR v2.00 Full release
| rar201.exe | 267K | RAR v2.01
| wrar201.exe | 480K | RAR v2.01 for Windows
| slim110a.zip | 35K | SLIM File Compression System V1.10: SLIM is a TSR utility used to compress any file and decompress them in real-time when needed!!!
| tar4dos.zip | 37K | *NIX TAR archiver
| winrar20.arj | 235K | WinRAR v2.00 - integrated archive manager for Windows - graphical shell interface / command-line driven - NEW compression algorithm, recovery record option, file order list, drag-and-drop facility, etc.
| wrar200b.exe | 427K | WINRAR ver 2.00 Beeta 2 , English The Best from the Best, SFX for W95 & DOS Dictionary size 64kb 128kb 512kb 1024kb
| zoo210.arj | 51K | Zoo v2.10
- Exe file compression
cpk45.exe | 48K | COMPACK v4.5 - Produces the fastest and smallest EXE and COM files compared with EXEPACK, LZEXE, PKLITE, DIET etc.
| diet144.arj | 37K | Diet v1.44
| dislt101.arj | 24K | DisLite v1.01 - Extract "unextractable" PkLite files
| dmpexe23.zip | 50K | The OBSESSiON EXE-Dumper v2.3 - unpacks any exepacked file. It means that a file packed with an unknown exepacker, can be expanded to it's original size and format. Supports the following debuggers: Soft-Ice, GameTools & Turbo Debugger
| extra.arj | 0K | Emulation EXTRA method for PKLITE
| lzexe91.lzh | 40K | LzExe v0.91
| pgmpak.lzh | 33K | PgmPak v0.13 by Todor Todorov
| pklt120r.arj | 31K | PkLite Professional v1.20
| pklte150.exe | 37K | PkLite v1.50
| pklts201.exe | 77K | PkLite v2.01
| tsup160.arj | 13K | Universal EXE unpacker v1.60 from TSEP
| unl30ecr.arj | 3K | Pkunlite v3.0
| unlzexe7.arj | 12K | UnLzExe v0.7 with sources
| unp411.zip | 34K | UNP v4.11 - Uncompresses files compressed with DIET, EXEPACK, LZEXE, PKLITE and many other file compression utilities
| xtrac151.zip | 63K | X-Tract v1.51 - Executable file extractor for: PKLITE, PROTECT!, LZEXE, DIET, COMPACK, EXEPACK, TINYPROG, ICE, PRO-PACK, AINEXE, ADY's GLUE, BIN-Lock, WWPACK, MEGALITE, and a LOT OF MORE programs!
- Archiving tools
arcview.arj | 9K | ZOO/ARC/PAK/ICE/LZH/ZIP/ARJ viewer for NC 3.0 (v1.3)
| arcv_6_9.zip | 83K | Arcview v6.9
| base64_6.zip | 51K | Base64/Mime encoder/decoder for DOS. Works on many different formats, and can split files for encoding and decoding. Includes Windows interface
| chklharc.arj | 8K | Search for self-executing LHARCs
| dirc100.lzh | 40K | Dirc v1.00
| gus_140.lzh | 22K | General Unpack Shell v1.60
| guuc.arj | 10K | Decodes splitted & uuencoded files
| lzeshl30.arj | 23K | Shell for LzExe
| mpack15d.zip | 43K | Mpack/Munpack v1.5 - utilities for encoding and decoding files in MIME format mail messages
| ncz1-3.arj | 15K | Zip Selected files in NC
| va104.arj | 13K | A program to view the contents several archives from the DOS command line
| | | | | | | | |